


How you can Get That Perfect Picture For Your Blog?


From the beginner you use to image as a attraction of your blog and blog contents too. You have to choose the image according you subject and meaning of your content. If the image shows the different meaning than you will loss  your viewers. If you post a proper and attractive image then all reader click the link without wasting much time. So I hope you know what I mean! 

Well, it's the simple to post a attractive image on your blog with catchy heading, fabulous content and relevant image as attractive form.

Arrest Your Audience With Your Images:
The image that you publish on your blog is the main attraction for reader and viewer. It help to increase the traffic of your blots too. So make a right decision how to make fit image for your blogs.

Negative Vs. Positive Images:
The image you’ve chosen evokes a positive or a negative emotion in the readers. In most of the cases, positive works. But sometimes the image shares the negetive impact on people. People are more likely to share blogs posts that have a positive feeling than those that evoke the guilty conscience or the “eeeew!” factor.

Having said that, it also depends on the kind of blog post you’re writing. It may be that some are written with the deliberate aim to evoke negativity. In that case, negative images are best suited.

Sourcing Your Images:
You have to sourcing your image like Google Images, Flickr, Instamatic for your images, and they’re good. However, there are many not-so popular ones that are equally resourceful:

Tumblr: You can search images via tags, or follow the trending ones.
Google+: This does not have as many images as the others, but nonetheless it’s a good place to start your search.
Reddit: Surf through Reddit, and you might just find the image that you’ve been looking for.
Society6: It’s a place where artists, designers and illustrators hang out and share/sell images. You’ll find loads of options here.
Quipsologies: It’s the one place to find out what’s trending in the graphical design industry, and gives you a whole lot of images to choose from.

Unless you want to sit with your Photoshop and spend hours creating images, sourcing is the next best option for you. One thing that you need to be careful here is the ownership rights of the images you plan to use. While some of them are free, some of them need attribution while still others you’ll need to buy. So depending on what your budget is, pick images accordingly.

Giving Final Touch-Ups:
You don't need all images that you source are fit for use immediately. Some of them need to be given final touches.

Making Your Blog Image-Ready:
Submitting a right images on your blog is a great way to increase traffic to your blogs, So do your research and choose one that meets all your blogs requirements.

In Conclusion…
Just you optimize your content for search engines, you can also optimize your images using alt text, reducing file size, including captions and right image sources. You’re bound to experience increased traffic to your blog.

All the best!

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